Does the library have eBooks?

Yes, MCC Libraries provides access to EBSCO eBooks for students and staff. For directions on how to view, access, and download EBSCO eBooks on your computer:

Note: If you are on a computer, you can access eBooks by either 1. searching the EBSCO eBooks database on the "A to Z Database List" or 2. searching the library catalog.

To access eBooks on your mobile device:

There are a number of advantages associated with eBooks. Students can:

  • Have instant access 
  • Download chapters or full titles to your computer or mobile device (or read in EBSCO’s eBook viewer on your desktop, laptop, or tablet)
  • Search within a book for specific words or phrases
  • Save, print, or email chapters
  • Create a virtual bookshelf 
  • Save notes to a personal folder with an EBSCOhost account


  • Last Updated Oct 14, 2021
  • Views 79
  • Answered By Blaine Hamilton

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